Mulled vs Non-Mulled Windows: Find the Perfect Fit

If you’re considering new windows for your home, you might have come across the terms “mulled” and “non-mulled” windows. Understanding the difference between these two types can help you make an informed decision.

Let’s explore what mulled and non-mulled windows are, their key features, and the pros and cons of each.

New white with green trim vinyl replacement windows.

What Are Mulled Windows?

Mulled windows are multiple window units that are joined together to form a single large window. This can include combining two or more windows of the same or different types, such as casement, double-hung, or picture windows, to create a cohesive look.

Key Features

Pros Cons
  • Creates a larger, more open view
  • Enhances natural light in the room
  • Offers a unified, aesthetically pleasing look
  • Customizable configurations
  • Can be more expensive than single windows
  • May require additional structural support
  • More complex installation process
  • Potential for more seams, which could require maintenance

What Are Non-Mulled Windows?

Non-mulled windows are individual window units installed separately. Each window functions independently and is framed individually.

Key Features

Pros Cons
  • Easier and faster to install
  • Generally more affordable
  • Independent operation for each window
  • Flexible placement and design
  • May not provide the same cohesive look
  • Less natural light compared to mulled windows
  • Individual framing can take up more space
  • Separate units might not look as seamless
The vintage style living room is decorated with brown-orange leather sofas . The room has wooden floors and gray walls, with white windows offering natural views.

Choosing Between Mulled and Non-Mulled Windows

Before making your decision, here are a few factors to consider:

Expert Tips and Advice

Choosing the right type of window for each room in your house can make a big difference in comfort, style, and functionality. Here are some expert tips to help you decide:

Consider Room Function

Think about how each room is used and what kind of windows would be most practical.

Amount of Natural Light Needed

Different rooms require different amounts of natural light.

Privacy Considerations

Privacy is another important factor when choosing windows.
Zen home office with computer in a beautiful, spacious living room interior with plants and an outside view through big windows

Mulled VS Non Mulled Windows - FAQs

Mulled windows are multiple window units joined together to form a single large window, providing a seamless look and more natural light.
Non-mulled windows are individual window units installed separately, each framed and functioning independently.
Non-mulled windows are generally easier and faster to install because they are individual units.
Yes, mulled windows can be more expensive due to the complexity of joining multiple units and potential additional structural support.
Yes, both mulled and non-mulled windows offer various customization options in terms of styles, colors, and configurations.

Closing Thoughts

Mulled windows offer a unified, expansive look and increased natural light, while non-mulled windows provide flexibility, easier installation, and cost savings.

At Windows For Life, we’re here to help you make the best decision for your home.

Whether you prefer the seamless appearance of mulled windows or the versatility of non-mulled windows, our team of experts is ready to assist you. Contact us today for a free consultation. (615) 861-2315